Walter Klassen Doughty Clamp

Our Doughty clamp allows our Hard Mount to be affixed to Speed Rail in five different mounting angles. Please note that the reducer sizes correspond with tube diameters (1.25″ pipe = 1.66″ reducer/tube diameter). Please also note that the Doughty clamps can sometimes get superficial cosmetic scratches in transport to our shop from the supplier. This is beyond our control but doesn’t affect function.


All Doughty Clamps are machined in house to mate with our Hard Mount. All hardware is stainless steel.


Doughty Clamp Only

Doughty Clamp with ⌀1.25″ Reducer

Doughty Clamp with ⌀1.5″ Reducer

Doughty Clamp with ⌀1.66″ Reducer

Doughty Clamp with ⌀1.75″ Reducer

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